Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Prayer of Trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus" by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

(Repeat after each of the following: Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in You.) 

Jesus, I believe in Your personal love for one so sinful and worthless as I am, Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in You.

I believe that Your love for me is from all eternity and that it is as tender as a mother’s love,

I believe that You have lovingly and wisely planned everything that shall ever happen to me,

I will never seek pleasure forbidden by You and will never lose heart in my efforts to be good,

I will accept the crosses of life as I accept its joys, with a grateful heart, and I will always pray, 
“Your holy will be done in all things”,

I will not be worried or anxious about anything, for I know You will take care of me,

However weak or sinful I may be, I will never doubt Your mercy,

In all my temptations...,

In all my weakness…,

In all my sorrows…,

In every discouragement…,

In all my undertakings…,

In life and in death…,

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