Sunday, August 11, 2013

Proper Office of the Divine Office's Matin's 2nd Reading for St. Jane de Chantal

DIVINE OFFICE - Office of Readings – St. Jane de Chantal

From the Common of Holy Women, religious, except the following:


From the From The Memoirs by the secretary of St. Jane Frances de Chantal

Love is as strong as death
One day Saint Jane spoke the following eloquent words, which listeners took down exactly as spoken:
"My dear daughters, many of our holy fathers in the faith, men who were pillars of the Church, did not die martyrs. Why do you think this was?" Each one present offered an answer; then their mother continued. "Well, I myself think it was because there is another martyrdom: the martyrdom of love. Here God keeps his servants and handmaids in this present life so that they may labor for him, and he makes of them both martyrs and confessors. I know," she added, "that the Daughters of the Visitation are meant to be martyrs of this kind, and that, by the favor of God, some of them, more fortunate than others in that their desire has been granted, will actually suffer such a martyrdom."
One sister asked what form this martyrdom took. The saint answered: "Yield yourself fully to God, and you will find out! Divine love takes its sword to the hidden recesses of our inmost soul and divides us from ourselves. I know one person whom love cut off from all that was dearest to her, just as completely and effectively as if a tyrant's blade had severed spirit from body."
We realized that she was speaking of herself. When another sister asked how long the martyrdom would continue, the Saint replied: "From the moment when we commit ourselves unreservedly to God, until our last breath. I am speaking, of course, of great-souled individuals who keep nothing back for themselves, but instead are faithful in love. Our Lord does not intend this martyrdom for those who are weak in love and perseverance. Such people he lets continue on their mediocre way, so that they will not be lost to him; he never does violence to our free will."
Finally, the saint was asked whether this martyrdom of love could be put on the same level as martyrdom of the body. She answered: "We should not worry about equality. I do think, however, that the martyrdom of love cannot be relegated to a second place, for love is as strong as death. For the martyrs of love suffer infinitely more in remaining in this life so as to serve God, than if they died a thousand times over in testimony to their faith and love and fidelity."

You are my Father and my God
from whom I expect all my happiness.
I am Your child, all Yours;
good children think only
of pleasing their father;
I don't want to have any worries
and I leave in Your care
everything that concerns me,
for You love me, my God.
Father, you are my good.
My soul rests and trusts
in Your love and eternal providence.
~ St. Jane de Chantal

August 12th - feast of St. Jane de Chantal - her "Thoughts"

Thoughts of St. Jane de Chantal

Delight in prayer is no measure of our love of God. But if we bear difficulties patiently, resist the urgings of self-love resolutely; and fulfill our duties in life willingly, if we live trusting in Providence and desiring to be known only by God - then we will show that we truly love God! Such deeds are unmistakable signs of love. Let us always be faithful in doing God's will because all else is unworthy of the name of love.

May we love and serve the Lord reverently with a loving, filial fear of offending our heavenly Father and of displeasing Jesus, our Divine Beloved. As long as we are in this life, we would do well to follow the well-traveled ways to holiness. Fear of God is the first step on this path. We cannot maintain a truly productive desire of serving God unless we have a holy fear of displeasing Our Savior and of being negligent in responding to grace and inspirations.

May all our actions, words, thoughts, and spirit be centered in God, on God, and for God! Let us keep our passions well-disciplined and our spirit pure and faithful. Fidelity to our way of life will help us keep our thoughts centered on God. Then our words will be an inspiration to family, friends, and acquaintances.

Let us do everything in a spirit of peace and love! Attracted by the example and virtues of Jesus Christ our Lord who did the will of His Father, let us walk and even run in the way of God's divine will, not letting ourselves be pulled and pushed about like puppets. Unless we do everything lovingly from a sincere and simple desire for God's glory and the salvation of the world, we will never succeed in obeying this Divine Will. Instead, we will render fruitless the graces of our way of life.

To be faithful, we must live simply. Then being free from attachments, we are possessed by nothing. We live in such absolute openness to Divine Love that whatever pleases God becomes our heart's desire.

Our true self, the beloved of God, strips itself of all possessions and desires contrary to God's will. It no longer matters what we do provided we are pleasing to God. Even our likes and dislikes become unimportant. We control our desires for the attractions of this world lest we be seduced by them. We become graced persons as we turn towards and center ourselves in God.

Let us not strive for the rewards of heaven, valuable though they may be, but live so as to please the God of heaven. If God were not in heaven, all its beauty, riches, and sweetness would be dull rather than delightful. By faith, we know God already dwells within us. But in heaven we will see God face to face. May we so live that one day we will be in heaven praising and playing eternally before our Lord and Savior!

How could any dishonor we receive compare to the indignities heaped upon our gentle Savior! How do our sufferings compare to His? Consider the incomparable pain Jesus endured in Gethsemane when He submitted His will to that of His Father for our salvation! In our conversations, let us speak gratefully about our divine Lord, about His sufferings for us and for all humanity, about the virtues He taught us, and about the gift of His holy Mother. By such recollections we will be enlightened, encouraged and strengthened in our undertakings.

Moses was told, "Act according to the model I have given you." Our Heavenly Father has given us Jesus Christ as a model. This divine Savior lived for thirty years, hidden, unknown, disguised under the anonymity of poverty; He was considered an ignorant nobody, the son of a carpenter. Actually Jesus was the Son of the Eternal Father and had as much knowledge and wisdom at the moment of his conception as He had had in heaven and as He has now. If we were to keep this in mind, how differently we would receive the contradictions, embarrassments, and even disgraces that come our way!

If we patiently accept through love all that God allows to happen, then we will begin to taste even here on earth something of the delights the saints experience in heaven. But for this we must serve God willingly and lovingly, seeking to obey the Divine Will rather than to follow our own inclinations and desires. For the perfection of love demands that we desire for ourselves only whatever God wills. Let us implore the good God unceasingly to grant us this grace!

As regards love of neighbor, may we give according to the measure with which our Divine Master has given to us. Then we truly will love each person as ourselves. This saying is true, "Do to your neighbor only what you would like done to you." Oh, how happy we would be if we were mindful of this in all our relationships with others.

Let us keep our hearts and spirits centered in God! We will experience the union with God which the Divine Savior begged from His Father. Before His passion, Jesus prayed that the apostles and all those who believed in Him would be one with Him. Just as the Father was in Him and He in the Father, so all would be united lovingly together in Him. Let us mediate peace within our families. We will grow in virtue. Every family living together in harmony will be richly blessed. May yours and ours be among them!

Let us rejoice when a friend or neighbor is praised! Indeed we could add to the praise by telling others our own experience of the person's goodness! But let us forgive and remain by telling others our own experiences of the person' silent about all else.

May we love as Jesus did with a love that is kind, universal, compassionate, courageous, and self-forgetful! Nothing could be more pleasing to our Divine Savior than this. St. Augustine says, "Love and do what you will." May our love for God animate our love for others! If we see Jesus in our neighbor, we will do only what we would like done to us. All perfection ties in this!

If we truly love our neighbors, we refrain from saying anything prejudicial to them. We support everyone as we would like to be supported. We try to give the example that we would like to receive from others. We excuse and forgive the blunders of others as we would like ours to be forgiven and excused. We rejoice in the happiness of others and are sorrowful in their pains, just as we would like them to respond to us in ours. We graciously help others in their needs both by prayer and actual service because in this way we truly show our good-will and love.

Francis de Sales in his incomparable love and goodness was careful to befriend everyone and never to give an occasion for someone to become an enemy. His tendency to please his neighbor and to offend no one was so great that he did whatever he could for each person. He acted thus with a generous heart and did even more than he should have, repeating often this maxim, "What hurts no one but benefits someone should be done willingly." This was his ordinary practice; we ought to imitate him.

Eagerness to "Live Jesus!" will enable us to exercise holy love in all things, great or small. When we assist neighbors in need, we are a loving support, a help and comfort to them. Since we try to see Jesus in everyone, we will serve each regardless of our personal ease and convenience.

O God! How rare is perfect and disinterested charity! It seems to me that this is so because people do not apply themselves to the practice of humility and gentleness. A materialistic spirit and self-interest spoil everything. God wants to eliminate such a spirit in us!

The principal foundation of the spiritual life is love and its most important fruit is union with God and neighbor. Hearts in conflict are closed to heavenly graces, but hearts united in love are open to receive all of God's gifts.

If we wish to remove all barriers to grace in preparation for receiving the great fruits of prayer, we must forgive everyone unreservedly. Let us keep our hearts at peace! Let us try to be gentle yet sincere with our family, friends and acquaintances!

May we live with holy and sincere joy in great gentleness and love for all we meet! To do so will be a source of spiritual blessing for us. For I never have perceived any interior perfection in those who did not love their neighbor.

We ought to cultivate a simple lifestyle, not so as to accumulate wealth for our own material conveniences, but so that we might be charitable to the needy. Let us give generously and boldly to the poor in the name of our Lord. The blessings of peace and joy will be our reward for such stewardship!

We want to glorify God in all things and to love our Beloved with a humble obedience and gentleness of heart. We will acquire this spirit by calmness in our actions and speech. Repetition of such acts will develop in us the habit of gentleness of heart.

If we wish to possess the virtue of neighborly love, we must accustom ourselves to accept people just as they are, regardless of their failings and actions, even those that offend us. Still, we reprove the faults of those under our charge, especially our own children, but in such a way that they know our love for them is constant and unconditional. For while we have no control over our feelings, we do over our actions. To act thus is to be like Jesus, our model!

Gentle love scatters abroad an aura of joy and peace. That is why we try to cherish and please our neighbor. To remain openhearted we must forgive ourselves when we fall and courageously make amends with loving patience. By persevering in such actions, we eventually will be given humble, gracious, and pliable hearts which will enable us to render great services to our Lord.

Loving affirmation consists in supporting our neighbors in whatever they say or do, even if we do not understand, even if their actions displease us. We are not astonished by their shortcomings and failings, nor do we harbor any ill feelings towards them. Rather, our attitudes must be transformed into tender and loving compassion for them. Francis de Sales says that love never searches for evil, and if she happens to stumble over it, even then she does not judge.

May our hearts be enlarged with compassionate loving support of our neighbor! Let us always be ready to serve, assist, console, support, and comfort others as much as possible in a spirit of joy and cordiality. An open heart is a heart disposed to help the neighbor at all times Such a heart loves the will of God above all things.

Cordial love of the neighbor does not consist in feelings. This love flows not from a heart of flesh but from the heart of our will. We must stop twisting and turning about to discover what we like or dislike. Whether we experience aversion or inclination for something really does not matter, provided only that in our wills, we remain firm and unswerving in pure love. Then we will give God proofs of love amidst the strongest distastes and aversions as well as during consolations and sensible love. Only if we proceed in this way will we improve!

"The person who does not sin in speech is perfect,' says Scripture. People offend their neighbors or rather God in their neighbors, at one time by speaking ill of them, at another by remaining silent. Someone speaks well of a person whom I do not like very much. This so displeases me that I remain silent or answer coldly. This response offends God because my lack of esteem and coldness may lessen perhaps the good opinion of the speaker for the person.

If our neighbors, even though strangers, were reduced to such poverty that they required our assistance, we would be obliged to give them what they needed. And if our supplies were sufficient only for our own family, we would cut back on all frills and be content with what was absolutely necessary for life so as to be able more easily to help our neighbors.

May we love everyone, even our dearest friends, only in God, for God, and according to God! To love people in God is the best way of preventing their human imperfections from tarnishing a friendship, even a spiritual one. Love is more perfect if we see and love God in our neighbor because in this way God will be loved above all else, and our neighbor as much as the love of God demands. We have nothing to fear in a love so selfless! How excellent it is to love our neighbor in God! We must guard against the guiles of self-love tempting us away from this total focus on Divine Love! For in loving God in our neighbor, we can never make a mistake!

For St. Jane's feast today, August 12th - her "Act of Abandonment" prayer

Act of Abandonment to Divine Providence
(written by St. Jane Frances de Chantal)

0 sovereign goodness of the sovereign Providence of my God! I abandon myself forever to Thy arms. Whether gentle or severe, lead me henceforth whither Thou wilt; I will not regard the way through which Thou wilt have me pass, but keep my eyes fixed upon Thee, my God, who guidest me. My soul finds no rest without the arms and the bosom of this heavenly Providence, my true Mother, my strength and my rampart.

Therefore I resolve with Thy divine assistance, 0 my Savior, to follow Thy desires and Thy ordinances, without regarding or examining why Thou dost this rather than that; but I will blindly follow Thee according to Thy divine will, without seeking my own inclinations.

Hence I am determined to leave all to Thee, taking no part therein save by keeping myself in peace in Thy arms, desiring nothing except as Thou incitest me to desire, to will, to wish. I offer Thee this desire, 0 my God, beseeching Thee to bless it; I undertake all it includes, relying on Thy goodness, liberality, and mercy, with entire confidence in Thee, distrust of myself, and knowledge of my infinite misery and infirmity.


Today, August 12th, is the Feast Day of St. Jane de Chantal

Today, August 12, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641), mother, tireless servant to the poor and needy, friend and follower of Saint Frances de Sales, and co-founder of the New Order of the Visitation.

Jane Frémoit de Chantal was born at Dijon, France in Burgundy, of noble parents. From an early age, Jane demonstrated clear signs of her future sanctity. It was said that when she was only five years old, she outwitted a Calvinist nobleman by substantial arguments-- arguments far beyond her age. In conciliation, he offered her a small present, which she immediately threw into a nearby fire, proclaiming: “This is how heretics will burn in hell, because they do not believe Christ when He speaks.”

Jane lost her mother at an early age, and from that time, put herself under the care of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God. Her father, president of the parliament of Borgoa, provided her with the best education available at the time, as well as in the ways of faith and virtue. Jane took the message of Christianity to heart, dismissing her servant (while still a child), as she worried that the servant’s presence would entice her to love the world and privilege, and cause her to sin. Instead, she shrank from worldly pleasures, devoting herself entirely to religious pursuits, and longing for martyrdom. She took the name Frances at her confirmation.

As was the custom of the time, when Jane turned 20 her father arranged a marriage for her, which she obediently accepted. She was married to the Baron de Chantal, a young soldier with proud military accomplishments. In this new state of life she strove to cultivate every virtue, and busied herself in instructing in faith and morals the children the couple produced (their first three children died shortly after birth, but the young spouses later had a boy and three girls), her servants and all under her authority. The Baroness loved her husband very much, dressing in a very modest way when he was traveling. If someone was to ask her why, she responded: “The eyes of who I want to please are very far away.”

Jane devoted herself to sharing the wealth of the household with the poor, and as reward, received miraculous provisions in her storehouse. On more than one occasion, when she believed her larder to be empty, it was miraculously filled by the Lord. On this account, she promised to never refuse anyone who begged for alms in the name of Jesus.

Jane was to experience great suffering, however. After nine years of marriage, her husband was wounded in a hunting accident, and died nine days later at the hands of unskilled surgeons. Jane, following a period of depression and listlessness, resumed the duties of her household, caring for her children, and doubling her efforts in service to the poor. She reached out to the man who had shot her husband, forgiving him, providing his household with necessities, and becoming Godmother to his children.

Jane recommitted herself to the Lord, vowing a life of chastity from that time on (she was only 28!). She streamlined her home, living more modestly, donating excess to those in need. She traded her fine garments for simple, modest dresses. Her gowns and fineries she donated to the Church to be converted into fine religious garments.

Jane Frances spent the majority of each day (when she wasn’t serving the poor) in prayer, pious reading, and works. Bound by vow to Jesus Christ, she received a number of honorable and advantageous offers to re-marry, but declined them all. To strengthen her resolve of observing chastity, Jane imprinted the most Holy Name of Jesus Christ upon her breast with a red-hot iron. Her love for all grew, and she had the poor, the abandoned, the sick, and those who were afflicted with the most terrible diseases, brought to her. Not only did she shelter and nurse them, she comforted them, washed and mended their filthy garments, and did not shrink from putting her lips to their running sores.

Wishing for still higher ascensions in her heart, she bound herself by a most difficult vow always to do what she thought most perfect. She prayed to God incessantly to provide her with a holy spiritual director, capable of helping her perfectly fulfill God’s will. Once, following this prayer, she was rewarded with a vision of a man whom she would later recognize as Saint Francis de Sales. That recognition occurred in 1604, as Saint France preached a Lenten homily in Dijon.

Saint Frances eventually became Jane’s spiritual advisor, and instructed her in the ways of balance, encouraging her to relax some of her harsher penitential practices, and spend more time tending to the duties of her household—namely her children and her aging father-in-law. With his guidance, Jane was able to balance the urgings of her heart to the Lord with her many responsibilities in the world. Someone once said of her, “This lady is capable of praying all day without bothering anyone.” Following a strict rule of life, consecrated for the most part to her children, she visited the sick in the area and spent entire nights in vigils next to the agonizing and dying.

The benevolence and meekness of her character demonstrated how far she responded to the demands of grace since her natural this strict demeanor through long years of prayer, suffering and patient submission to spiritual direction. This was the work of St. Francis de Sales, whom Jane Francis visited on and off in Annecy and with whom she had fruitful correspondence through letters.

Following some years of spiritual direction with Saint Frances, Jane felt drawn to the religious life, and was inclined to enter a convent. Together, the two prayed about her vocation, and in 1607, Saint Frances announced his intention to found a new order—the New Congregation of the Visitation. With great joy, Jane embraced the project, but her joy was to be short lived as her father’s age and illness, as well as the continued education of her children, required her to delay her involvement, and suffer much in the world. Saint Frances directed her that her children were no longer little and that from the cloister she was better able to care of them, especially taken into account that the two elders were old enough to “enter the world” and care for their grandfather. In this logical and serene way, Saint Francis resolved her difficulties.

Before abandoning the world, Jane Francis kneeled before her father, crying, and asking his blessing. The elderly man put his hands on her head and said: “I cannot reproach your actions, go with my blessing. I offer you Lord, my daughter, as Abraham offered Isaac, whom he loved so much as I love you. Go where God calls you and be happy in His house. Pray for me.”

A new convent was built at Annecy, and Jane entered it on Blessed Trinity Sunday in the year 1610. Shortly afterwards, fifteen women entered the order, including two of Jane’s daughters. While no formal rule had been developed yet, the congregation’s purpose was that it should be a source of refuge to those who couldn’t enter other congregations and that the religious sisters should not live in cloister in order to dedicate themselves to apostolic works of charity. Due to opposition from both within and outside the Church, the plans were eventually modified, and the women accepted the cloister and adopted the Rule of Saint Augustine. Saint Frances wanted humility and meekness to be the base of the religious observance. “But in practice,” he said to the religious, “humility is the fountain of all other virtues; don’t limit humility, make of it the principal one of all your actions.”

Saint Jane took her vows and was made Mother Abbess of the convent. She traveled throughout the region, establishing new convents (65 in all) and bringing more and more young women to God. Many of these women were of nobility, giving up their station and privilege, and committing to the humble and charitable order.

In 1622, Saint Francis de Sales died and his death constituted a harsh blow for Mother de Chantal; but her resignation to Divine Will helped her embrace all with invincible patience. Her son was killed in battle shortly thereafter. Saint Jane received the news of her son’s death with heroic fortitude and offered her heart to God and said: “Destroy, cut and burn all that opposes your holy will.”

Saint Jane Frances fell ill while visiting the convent of Moulins, where she died on December 13th, 1641 at the age of 69. Her body was taken to Annecy—her first convent-- and buried close to Saint Francis de Sales. At the time of her death, Saint Vincent de Paul was visiting, and reported a vision of Saint Frances escorting the pious saint to heaven. He said of Saint Jane Frances:

"She was a woman of great faith, and had temptations against the faith all her life. Even though she appeared to have reached the peace and tranquility of spirit of virtuous souls, she suffered terrible interior trials which she communicated to me on several occasions. She seemed so harassed by abominable temptations that she had to take her eyes away from herself so as not to contemplate her unbearable state. To look at her soul horrified her as if it was an image of hell. But through these great sufferings she never lost her serenity, yielding with joy to what God wanted from her. That is why I consider her as one of the most holy souls I have met on earth.”

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal left behind a legacy of service, suffering, meekness, and obedience. She was willing to soften herself, giving up control of her life to the Lord, and following the direction given to her. Not without loss and sacrifice, her life was difficult—all of which she embraced with patience and joy. When the daily struggles of our lives become too great, we might think of the message of Saint Jane Frances: “You want to be humble? Try to know yourself well; desire for others to know you as imperfect; love contempt, in all its forms and in any which way it may come. Don’t hide your defects; let them be known, accepting with love the abjection that will come by them. Never let your heart to be weakened because of a fault committed. Distrust self and trust only and continuously in God, persuaded that not able to do anything by yourselves, you can do all with His grace and powerful help.”

Selection Quotations of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal:

"When shall it be that we shall taste the sweetness of the Divine Will in all that happens to us, considering in everything only His good pleasure, by whom it is certain that adversity is sent with as much love as prosperity, and as much for our good? When shall we cast ourselves undeservedly into the arms of our most loving Father in Heaven, leaving to Him the care of ourselves and of our affairs, and reserving only the desire of pleasing Him, and of serving Him well in all that we can?"

"We should go to prayer with deep humility and an awareness of our nothingness. We must invoke the help of the Holy Spirit and that of our good angel, and then remain still in God's presence, full of faith that he is more in us than we are in ourselves."

"Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to him. That is all the doing you have to worry about."

“Jesus Christ is a great Lord, rich and powerful, who doesn’t have necessity of our goods. What gift can we give Him if the whole world is his? It is necessary to offer Him pure souls and clean hearts, white and empty of all earthly things; notice that our souls are to be very clean to be able to be offered to the Divine Child, who is born on this day, creator of all purity and holiness. This is the most pleasing gift we can give: a clean heart, contrite and humble. He only wants from us our hearts.”

“My dear daughters, let us not have illusions; it is necessary that for our affection, to be blessed by God, it has to be equal and uniform for all, for our Savior has not ordered us to love some more than others, but He has said: Love your neighbor as yourself.

Sometimes we think our affections are very pure; but before God it is very different; the affection that is all pure looks only at God, only aspires to God and does not pretend anything but God. I love my sisters because I see God in them and because God wants it this way . . . your charity is false if it is not equal, general and complete with all the sisters, this way your are to be gentle with one sister as well as with the other.

The motive behind the love you profess for your sisters should only come from the womb of God; if it is outside of it, then it is worth nothing . . . . When this union with our sisters is more pure, more general and more complete, only then will our union with God be greater.”

“It is true my dear daughters, it is lack of self knowledge that amazes us when we see ourselves so lacking and with defect, because we presume or boast so much of ourselves, that we always expect something good; we deceive ourselves, and Our Lord himself allows us to fall, many times in a stupid, clumsy way, so we can know ourselves better. This knowledge of self consists in that we should believe, with certitude and faith, that we are nothing, we can do nothing; we are weak, feeble and imperfect. Decide in your will to love your misery and poverty. The reformation of the soul starts in self knowledge and confidence in God; our self knowledge will let us know we have many things to correct and reform and it cannot be done by our own efforts; confidence in God will let us hope in Him, we can do all in Him, and with His grace all things are possible and easy.”

“Perhaps at some time it will occur that a sister has bothered us, or did something not pleasing to us, or that simply we don’t have a liking for her. Another sister will come to us and speak well of her, and we might answer with half words putting down all the good. This will produce the effect of a drop of oil that falls on fabric, an incurable spot on the heart of the sister we are talking to. All the bad the sister might have done in consequence of this bad impression we have caused will be on our conscience, and we will be guilty of it and punished severely. God said he hates six things, but the seventh he abominates: those who divide hearts and plant discord among brothers.”

“When we have conquered ourselves we have done a good action, and feel some satisfaction and pleasure, this ruins everything, making us lose all if we are not careful. What a disgrace after making sacrifices, self denial of attitudes or words or any other thing, we end up satisfying ourselves! Never or rarely, is good done without some satisfaction and this is not bad in itself; what ruins all is to distract ourselves and to seek pleasure in it. What are we to do? We have to chase away and annihilate all thoughts of pleasure and vain satisfaction, humble ourselves and seek contempt, give God the glory for everything and recognize we can do nothing on our own. We are only to seek the Glory of God in everything and to do all to please Him.”

“If someone wants to follow me, renounce self . . . ”“These words are the foundation of all Christian and religious perfection. To deny self is to renounce to all the will of the flesh, all our inclinations, desires, pleasures, satisfactions, softness, tastes, humor, preferences, habits, susceptibility, aversions and repugnance to rough things; in other words, to renounce in all and for all our perverse self. Fight to destroy your character, passions and inclinations; in one word, all your nature; and this, with energetic will, with generosity, and persevering mortification of all your being.

It is necessary to know we are to only mortify the imperfect inclinations of bad things, and not the good or the tendency to the good; for example; I’m sent to do a task and I feel inclined to do another one; we have to mortify this inclination and submit it to obedience. But if I’m sent to do a task I like, we are not by any means to mortify our inclination and reject the task, but we are to offer God the work and say: I do it not because of the inclination I feel, but because obedience requests it (in the case of lay people: I do it for love of God or because it is my obligation).”

Lord, you chose Saint Jane Frances to serve you both in marriage and in religious life. By her prayers help us to be faithful in our vocation and always to be the light of the world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

More of St. Jane de Chantal's Wisdom

 "If we patiently accept through love all that God allows to happen, then we will begin to taste even here on earth something of the delights the saints experience in heaven. But for this we must serve God willingly and lovingly, seeking to obey the Divine Will rather than to follow our own inclinations and desires. For the perfection of love demands that we desire for ourselves only whatever God wills. Let us implore the good God unceasingly to grant us this grace!" 

- St. Jane de Chantal 

"Often pray spontaneously to God, whenever you can, and in whatever setting, always seeing God in your heart and your heart in God." 

~ St. Jane de Chantal

Another St. Jane de Chantal Quote

”You have sent me the leaves of the tree: send me some of its fruits, in order that I may judge of them; I set little value on simple leaves. All I can say at present is that the fruits of a good heart that God nourishes are total oblivion of self, an unbounded love of humiliations, and a limitless joy for all that is done to advance God's glory."   

~  Saint Frances de Chantal

St. Jane de Chantal Quote

"One thing alone is necessary: it is to have God. In short, then, no matter what is going on, we must hold both our attention and our love on God, not wasting our time in studying what is happening to ourselves or what its cause is. Our Lord asks this of us." 
 ~St. Jane de Chantal

Day 1 for Novena to St. Jane de Chantal

0 glorious saint, blessed Jane Frances,
by fervent prayer, attention to the Divine Presence,
and purity of intention,
you attained on earth an intimate union with God.
Be now our advocate, our mother,
our guide in the path of virtue and perfection.
Plead our cause near Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
to whom you were so tenderly devoted,
and whose holy virtues you so closely imitated.
Obtain for us, 0 amiable and compassionate Saint,
the virtues you deem most necessary for us;
an ardent love of Jesus in the most holy Sacrament,
a tender and filial confidence in His Blessed Mother,
and like you, a constant remembrance
of His sacred Passion and death.
Obtain also, we pray,
that our particular intention in this novena
may be granted.
V. Pray for us, 0 holy St. Jane Frances,
R. That we may be made worthy
     of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
0 almighty and merciful God,
who granted to blessed St. Jane Frances,
so inflamed with love of you,
a wonderful degree of fortitude
through all the paths of life,
and through her, were pleased to adorn your church
with a new religious Order,
grant by her merits and prayers that we,
who sensible of our weakness
confide in your strength,
may overcome all adversity with the help
of your heavenly grace,
through Christ Our Lord. Amen.